Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Man is a depraved sinner, terribly in need.
Our only hope is in Jesus Christ - His death and resurrection.
Receiving Him brings instant forgiveness and eternal grace.
Death is certain but not the end.
Heaven is a real place,
So is hell.
We could not escape standing before Him.
The time to prepare is NOW!

Monday, April 5, 2010

When You Can't Find God

Do you sometimes feel anguish,
Unable to see God's face?
If yes, do not lose heart then,
For that must be the time
God is much occupied
With the business of mine.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The Nakedness Of Man

Genesis 3:9-10
"God called the man saying to him, "Where are you?" He said, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked, so I hid."

     It is when we see the glory of God do we realize our nakedness. I used to be self-righteous, perhaps still a little until now. I kept on comparing myself with others. Having sized the spiritual capacity of a person as how he appears to be, I would almost always conclude, I am much better than such person.

     God most often allow me to stay in this folly. When it is time for me to wake up, He allows me to bang my head with the painful but true reality. This happens when I come face to face with Him. In front of Him, I naturally and unconsciously melt in His mighty presence. It is then I fully realize how fool I am for thinking highly of myself, when in fact I am nothing in God's presence. In His presence do my sinfulness show, thereby making myself ashamed to face Him.

     I may dislike these moments for the discomfort it brings, but it is the only way that I feel how greatly I am being loved by my Maker; the moments that remind me of who I really am and where did I come from; the moments of pure bliss.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The God Of One More Chance"s"

     The other day, I received a copy of Kerygma Magazine February 2010 issue. I loved the topic: it's all about love. I read almost everything last night. One topic hit me hard: virginity. In it two kinds of virginity were discussed: physical virginity and spiritual virginity. Of course, with the former I am no longer one in the true sense of the word. With the latter I am on my way.

     Bro. Bo's discussion about physical virginity is quite simple and easy. Yes, I know it would take all of one's effort to stay a virgin before the sacrament of matrimony is worked out. I admit I failed in this area due to goals unclearly defined and values weakly fought for. I envy Bro. Bo and his wife for staying virgins up until they became married; not because they are pure but because they are able to spare themselves from pain, guilt, sin,regrets and wasted time of unhappiness. I believe God is the God of second chances. However, no matter how forgiven I am, I could not return back the wasted time I had thrown away, I could not make my body much healthier again after the negative emotions have taken its toll on me. We all know most diseases sprang from negative emotions harbored. I may have moved on but I could not run away from the memories that marred my painful past.

    I am just grateful for God is a God of one more chances. After I fail, He lovingly says, "I am giving you one more chance." Then I failed again. Then another chance. And another. And Another. And another. Until I reach to the point where I seek spiritual virginity. This spiritual virginity is what keeps me whole again and perfect again. It makes me as worthy a person as all the other virgins. It makes me start all over again with God's many chances. Even if God gives me as many a chance as I want; yet staying true to God even for the next chance I first failed is big enough for someone as sinful as I am. And I believe holding onto Him til the end, I would one day perfect that spiritual virginity.               

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Faith: Traditional Or New Age?

In my own words I define traditional faith as a faith based on traditions and customs. Being a catholic we know the traditions followed by our ancestors. But whether we like it or not, some of these traditions have its flaws if we would not be careful enough in following it. As we observe, most super religious older women attend mass on Sundays and even everyday, join church organizations and pray the rosary daily. Yet one of their common flaws is criticizing the young for not doing what they do thereby making them too self-righteous. Most often, they hate the change that the younger generation brings. We know these older people were trying their best to be just as good. However, their traditional beliefs get in the way. Instead of helping the young they do otherwise by criticizing them. Another thing is, if we focus much on traditional expression of our faith we tend to forget the most important thing: our interaction with God is spontaneous. Because God is not a God of traditions only. He is a God of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Another kind of faith sprang from what they call new age spirituality or new age enlightenment. It is a kind of faith more focus on one's spirit and what this unlimited spirit can do. In short, it does not recognize a God who is. If my understanding of this kind of faith is lacking, I am open to corrections and more knowledge. As of the moment, this is how I see it.

With regards to my own faith, I believe in the Triune God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I go to mass because I believe the priests are given the mission by God to minister the people. I recognize the Bible as the recordings of the history of my faith and of God's love. Like Moses and Jesus, I pray to hear God's words directly speaking to me. This for me is the most important part of my faith: Prayer. I believe what constitutes most in making me what I am is my faith. Furthermore, I believe I have not yet gone deeper into it. Thus on this journey of spirituality I embark.